Density Analysis Script
This script was used for analysing the maximum spatial density of features in the Geography based data set. This was done to get an indication of the granularity of features compared to the size of the data set in order to make a decision on the granularity of the spatial index that would be created. As discussed in my previous article the index for the Geographic data could not be defined
The only difference between this script and the Geometry based test script was that the instance of the grid cell polygon was created using geometry::STPolyFromText, supplying 0 as the SRID.
This script can take a long time to execute on a table with lots of rows, or complicated shapes (or a combination of both), so it is best to apply a spatial index of some sort before executing this script. You will notice the script is using an index hint to get the query engine to use the spatial index.
declare @xmin decimal(19,6) declare @ymin decimal(19,6) declare @xmax decimal(19,6) declare @ymax decimal(19,6) -- Define the data extent set @xmin = 137.9946 set @ymin = -29.178 set @xmax = 153.5518 set @ymax = -9.142 declare @iterations int declare @iterationRow int declare @iterationColumn int declare @cellWidth decimal(19,6) declare @cellHeight decimal(19,6) declare @count int declare @maxCount int declare @cellXmin decimal(19,6) declare @cellYmin decimal(19,6) declare @cellXmax decimal(19,6) declare @cellYmax decimal(19,6) -- The number of rows/columns in the grid of cells that will be analysed set @iterations = 20 set @iterationRow = 0 set @iterationColumn = 0 set @count = 0 set @maxCount = 0 -- Calculate the size of each grid cell (note that these will be rectangular if the data extent is rectangular) set @cellWidth = abs((@xmax - @xmin) / @iterations) set @cellHeight = abs(@ymax - @ymin) / @iterations while @iterationRow < @iterations begin -- Determine the grid cell's y coords from the row we are analysing set @cellYmin = (@iterationRow * @cellHeight) + @ymin set @cellYmax = ((@iterationRow + 1) * @cellHeight) + @ymin set @iterationColumn = 0 while @iterationColumn < @iterations begin -- Determine the grid cell's x coords from the column we are analysing set @cellXmin = (@iterationColumn * @cellWidth) + @xmin set @cellXmax = ((@iterationColumn + 1) * @cellWidth) + @xmin -- Select the number of features in the grid cell select @count = count(id) from state_1 with(index(IX_SP_state_1)) where geom.STIntersects(geography::STPolyFromText('POLYGON((' + CONVERT(varchar(20), @cellXmin) + ' ' + CONVERT(varchar(20), @cellYmax) + ',' + CONVERT(varchar(20), @cellXmin) + ' ' + CONVERT(varchar(20), @cellYmin) + ',' + CONVERT(varchar(20), @cellXmax) + ' ' + CONVERT(varchar(20), @cellYmin) + ',' + CONVERT(varchar(20), @cellXmax) + ' ' + CONVERT(varchar(20), @cellYmax) + ',' + CONVERT(varchar(20), @cellXmin) + ' ' + CONVERT(varchar(20), @cellYmax) + '))', 4283)) = 1; -- If this is the new maximum count, retain it if @count > @maxCount set @maxCount = @count set @iterationColumn = @iterationColumn + 1 end set @iterationRow = @iterationRow + 1 end -- Display the maximum number of features found in any grid cell, and relate their relative density/size to the overall extent print 'Maximum cell records: ' + convert(varchar(10), @maxCount) print 'Feature size relative to data extent: ' + convert(varchar(20), @maxCount * @iterations * @iterations)
Spatial Selection Test Script
This script was used to test the time taken to execute four separate spatial selections on the Geography based data set. The four selections are executed 100 times and the time then averaged to arrive at a result.
The difference between this script and the Geometry based test script was that the test extents were defined as Geometry variables, and the instance of the Geometry was created using geometry::STPolyFromText, supplying 0 as the SRID.
declare @test1Extent geography declare @test2Extent geography declare @test3Extent geography declare @test4Extent geography -- Define the selection extents set @test1Extent = geography::STPolyFromText('POLYGON((153.035517 -27.417948,153.032598 -27.42869,153.049808 -27.431585,153.05161 -27.420271,153.035517 -27.417948))', 4283) set @test2Extent = geography::STPolyFromText('POLYGON((149.182384 -21.138607,149.181783 -21.14275,149.1867 -21.1433783,149.187362 -21.139408,149.182384 -21.138607))', 4283) set @test3Extent = geography::STPolyFromText('POLYGON((153.130231 -26.753869,153.129566 -26.756992,153.13199 -26.756609,153.131733 -26.753831,153.130231 -26.753869))', 4283) set @test4Extent = geography::STPolyFromText('POLYGON((152.753145 -27.611423,152.753885 -27.613172,152.757018 -27.61244,152.755065 -27.610358,152.753145 -27.611423))', 4283) declare @iterations int declare @iterationCount int declare @start datetime declare @diff decimal declare @sumTest1 decimal(10,6) declare @sumTest2 decimal(10,6) declare @sumTest3 decimal(10,6) declare @sumTest4 decimal(10,6) declare @count int set @iterations = 100 set @iterationCount = 0 set @sumTest1 = 0 set @sumTest2 = 0 set @sumTest3 = 0 set @sumTest4 = 0 while (@iterationCount < @iterations) begin set @start = GETDATE() -- Execute selection 1 select @count = COUNT(id) from state_1 with (index(IX_SP_state_1)) where geom.STIntersects(@test1Extent) = 1; set @diff = DATEDIFF(ms, @start, GETDATE()) -- Add the elapsed time to the total for selection 1 set @sumTest1 = @sumTest1 + convert(decimal(10,6),(@diff/1000)) set @start = GETDATE() -- Execute selection 2 select @count = COUNT(id) from state_1 with (index(IX_SP_state_1)) where geom.STIntersects(@test2Extent) = 1; set @diff = DATEDIFF(ms, @start, GETDATE()) -- Add the elapsed time to the total for selection 2 set @sumTest2 = @sumTest2 + convert(decimal(10,6),(@diff/1000)) set @start = GETDATE() -- Execute selection 3 select @count = COUNT(id) from state_1 with (index(IX_SP_state_1)) where geom.STIntersects(@test3Extent) = 1; set @diff = DATEDIFF(ms, @start, GETDATE()) -- Add the elapsed time to the total for selection 3 set @sumTest3 = @sumTest3 + convert(decimal(10,6),(@diff/1000)) set @start = GETDATE() -- Execute selection 4 select @count = COUNT(id) from state_1 with (index(IX_SP_state_1)) where geom.STIntersects(@test4Extent) = 1; set @diff = DATEDIFF(ms, @start, GETDATE()) -- Add the elapsed time to the total for selection 4 set @sumTest4 = @sumTest4 + convert(decimal(10,6),(@diff/1000)) set @iterationCount = @iterationCount + 1 end -- Calculate the average times print 'Test 1 Time: ' + convert(varchar(10), convert(decimal(10,6), (@sumTest1/@iterations))) + ' seconds' print 'Test 2 Time: ' + convert(varchar(10), convert(decimal(10,6), (@sumTest2/@iterations))) + ' seconds' print 'Test 3 Time: ' + convert(varchar(10), convert(decimal(10,6), (@sumTest3/@iterations))) + ' seconds' print 'Test 4 Time: ' + convert(varchar(10), convert(decimal(10,6), (@sumTest4/@iterations))) + ' seconds'
Index Tuning
This is the script I executed to examine the spatial index efficiency for the Geography based data set.
The difference between this script and the Geometry based index analysis script was that the extents were defined as Geometry variables, and the instance of the Geometry was created using geometry::STPolyFromText, supplying 0 as the SRID, and the sp_help_spatial_geometry_index stored procedure was used for the Geometry data set.
declare @test1Extent geography declare @test2Extent geography declare @test3Extent geography declare @test4Extent geography -- Define the selection extents set @test1Extent = geography::STPolyFromText('POLYGON((153.035517 -27.417948,153.032598 -27.42869,153.049808 -27.431585,153.05161 -27.420271,153.035517 -27.417948))', 4283) set @test2Extent = geography::STPolyFromText('POLYGON((149.182384 -21.138607,149.181783 -21.14275,149.1867 -21.1433783,149.187362 -21.139408,149.182384 -21.138607))', 4283) set @test3Extent = geography::STPolyFromText('POLYGON((153.130231 -26.753869,153.129566 -26.756992,153.13199 -26.756609,153.131733 -26.753831,153.130231 -26.753869))', 4283) set @test4Extent = geography::STPolyFromText('POLYGON((152.753145 -27.611423,152.753885 -27.613172,152.757018 -27.61244,152.755065 -27.610358,152.753145 -27.611423))', 4283) exec sp_help_spatial_geography_index 'state_1', 'IX_SP_state_1', 1, @test1Extent; exec sp_help_spatial_geography_index 'state_1', 'IX_SP_state_1', 1, @test2Extent; exec sp_help_spatial_geography_index 'state_1', 'IX_SP_state_1', 1, @test3Extent; exec sp_help_spatial_geography_index 'state_1', 'IX_SP_state_1', 1, @test4Extent;
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